School Affiliation(s) if applicable: NDLS 1LPeoples College of Law TransferCooley College of Law Visiting FellowDePaul U GradHillsdale High School GradDavis Middle School GradGeir Elementary GradBailey Elemmentary TransferMary Randal Pre-School- Grad 1stinClass
Favorite men's college basketball team(s): DePaul
How you know Brendan / How you found this pool: We moved in together for a few months. But then Becky came in between us. I do miss him though.
Anything else we should know about you: I've done my women's bball research so watch out. Plus I need to avenge my near win in that stupid Oscar Pool. (If I almost win both the Oscar Pool and the Women's bball pool does that make me gay?)