NCAA Pool reminder

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I’m on break from jury duty, so I have time to remind y’all to enter my FREE men’s and women’s NCAA Tournament pools!


Just follow the links below, or in the “My NCAA & NIT pools” box at right.

MEN’S POOL: [UPDATE: The polls are closed! Good luck, everyone!]

WOMEN’S POOL: Regular Bracket | Mascot Bracket

(To clarify about the “mascot brackets”: there is NO separate “mascot” pool. I’ve simply created separate forms for entering the pools. Whichever bracket you use, though, mascot or non-mascot, your entry goes into the same pool.)

The entry deadline is 10:00 AM MST tomorrow for the men’s pool, and the same time Saturday for the women’s pool. If you decide to change your picks, you may do so anytime before the deadline; just e-mail me or enter a new bracket. I will assume the last bracket I receive before the deadline is the correct one, unless you tell me otherwise.

Incidentally, if the pool logo looks a little different to you… it is. I asked its designer, Dan Mowchan, to make me a version with the previously diagonal “basketball pools” line straightened. I think I like it better this way. What do you think?

Oh… and here are the NIT Pool standings thru 7 games. Vinny Jankowski, Steve Ivey, Greg Kagan, Jeff Morrison and Josh Rubin are tied with 6-for-7 prediction records; they missed only on #8-seed Jacksonville’s dramatic upset of #1-seed Arizona State. Only one person, Brandon Minich, predicted that, but with a 2-for-6 record in predicting the night’s other games, the Jacksonville pick served only to lift him out of a last-place tie into a tie for second-to-last place.

1 thought on “NCAA Pool reminder

  1. Mike

    And my NIT bracket of strong academics is comically destroyed. OK, Northwestern vs Stony Brook for the championship was a longshot, but it would have been been funny if it had worked…

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