Life imitates The Onion

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First came this fake news report from the Onion News Network

…and then, as if in answer, this real photo, featured today on the Drudge Report, of Obama speaking at an elementary school — with a pair of teleprompters in tow:


Heh. As actual political commentary, the Obama-teleprompter meme is pretty dumb; as comedy, however, it’s pretty damn funny. Case in point: Obama is skipping jury duty in Chicago because “the deliberation room was too small for his teleprompter.” Tee hee.

11 thoughts on “Life imitates The Onion

  1. B. Minich

    We need a Secretary of the Onion. Their job would be to read the Onion, and make sure the President never did anything that either 1. has been featured, or 2. would the type of thing that would be featured in the Onion if you didn’t do it.

  2. Alasdair

    Best part …

    “… CAPS lock mistake … the President almost shouted himself hoarse ! …”


  3. dcl

    What I would like to know is how big that class room is. When I was in school to be set up there, and then have the photographer where he is, there is what, space for four or five kids in that room?

  4. gahrie

    He spoke to the kids without the press present in another room, and then came into this room to talk to the press.

  5. Mike Marchand

    As actual political commentary, the Obama-teleprompter meme is pretty dumb

    I disagree. Part of Obama’s political popularity is his ability to orate, but if he needs his teleprompter like Linus needs his blanky, then how much of that cred does he deserve? Especially because during a stretch of the campaign, every time he didn’t have it he gaffed embarrassingly?

    Secondarily, imagine how much smarter George W. Bush would have sounded if every single remark he ever made were pre-scripted and spoonfed to him. That alone cuts out at least three editions of the Bushisms series.

  6. dcl

    Mike, on your third paragraph. It was, Bush was just to fucking stupid to read it. Pleas come back when you are willing to A) actually be funny or B) have an honest political debate about something. But please, don’t be stupid, it’s unbecoming and a waste of time.

  7. B. Minich

    Oh, come on Mike! Every speaker needs to write out their speech. Good speakers know exactly what they are going to say before they say it. Teleprompters are just the latest technological manifestation of that. But EVERY President has had a written speech in front of them.

  8. Alasdair

    B. Minich – our President can refute the “obama-teleprompter meme” really easily …

    All he has to do is have some geniune extemporaneous addresses where he is not provided with either the questions in advance, nor is he able to require that all questions be softball, nor is he able to require that the address be to Chris Matthews …

    Most of us have seen what happens to President Obama when his teleprompter breaks down – and it ain’t a pretty sight ! (Entertaining, in an embarrassing-to-the-US way, yet not a pretty sight)

    More importantly, I don’t remember Bush actively and intentionally lying about what is supposed to be his own personal area of expertise in a SOTU address … (pre-empting – and, no, Military Intelligence is not and was not Bush’s personal area of expertise, so WMDs in Iraq doesn’t count – at the time he said it, most real world leaders *believed* that intelligence – even Saddam’s own Generals believed it) …

    Obama is supposed to be/have been a skilled legal mind – so WTF was he thinking to lie about the recent SCOTUS decision in his SOTU speech ?

    I know David K believes that McCain was already an idiot over 100 years ago, but overturning any of McCain-Feingold doesn’t overturn 100 years of anything, never mind “last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law” … perhaps, it was simply an Obama-ism – he actually meant to say “restored a century of law” but simply mis-spoke ?

    Of course, that doesn’t explain the “without limit” wording, since there remain limits … oh well, I’m sure there’s some simple explanation how Bush made him do it, isn’t there, David ?

    (“With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections.”)

  9. Alasdair

    ACK – I apologise for the BOLDing mistake … if Brendan cares to correct it for me, I thank him for that … the first BOLDing was not supposed to go beyond the end of its paragraph …

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